Happy Fall and Happy Birthday to my husband today!!
I sat down last night and put together a calendar of upcoming stamping events and classes i will be having..here's the list...
Class Dates!
September 26- 6pm- Stamp Club at my house
October 3 is world card making day AND my birthday! (how appropriate is that??!!)
October 17th- Last Stamp Club of the year and potluck!! Bring some food and friends! It will be FUN!
November 1st (Sunday) 4pm- I am going to host a Christmas gift idea/cards class for 10.00 or free with 25.00 purchase! (pics to follow!) I will take 10 for this class and if I get more interest I will schedule a 2nd date. I will also have Christmas Wish lists available for guests to fill out and take to family members/husbands/friends for gift ideas!! I will wrap the gift for free~!
November 20- Christmas Stamp A Stack!! 7:00pm 15 cards (3 designs- 5 of each) 20.00
November 21st- Vendor fair at the Geib Center in Dover- 12-4 Stop in and check it out!! I will be set up with lots of premade cards and Fall/Thanksgiving/Christmas items!
November 26th Happy Thanksgiving!
December 1st- Ladies Night Out 7-9 pm at the Christ United Methodist Church- Newcomerstown- Do NOT miss this!!!!! Door prizes every 15 mins, 3 overnight stays as grand prizes! It’s a GREAT event!!!
**December is open for Stamp A Stacks- call/email me and get a date on my calendar if you want to host your own!! You can use my house if you want!!**
Sara Shepherd