Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday Sept 9

I looked at the calendar today and realized we were coming up on the anniversary of September 11th.

That day is so clearly etched in my memory- as i am sure it is in every other American's.

I was at work. My sister called me from her work- whispering- b/c she wasn't supposed to be making personal calls. (although i doubt that day- anyone would have minded)

She said something was happening in New York at the WTC- and they think it was terrorist.

This was after the second plane had hit.

I told my boss- who started tuning in his office radio- and at the same time- the floor secretary must have gotten word- b/c she turned on the floor TV.

we all gathered and watched in horrified amazement at the events of that beautiful fall day.

My cubicle was closest to the TV- so i could sit on my desk and see it over the wall. I sat there and watched most of the morning. I don't think much work was done that day and the company let any employees go home for the day that felt the need to.

such a scary, sad, traumatic day.

I watched some YOu-Tube vids on it today...interesting..there was one in particular by Bob and Bri. Very good..they lived right near the WTC and videoed everything they saw.

That day changed everything in my mind. I realized that we weren't immune.

Come QUICKLY Lord Jesus!

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